Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Cold Shower and a Beagle Kiss

We met. We fell in love. We married.

We showed each other how much we loved each other with Hallmark cards, CD's of love songs, e-mails with secret code professing our love, staying awake talking for hours after drinking too much wine and never, EVER leaving the house without a kiss and an "I love you."

Five years later, our acts of love are a bit more interesting.

For instance, just last week, I showed Trent how much I loved him by throwing a glass of cold water on him while he was taking a shower. We hadn't had sex in awhile, I thought he might need it!

Yesterday, as Trent was leaving the house, he started walking out and I demanded he come straight back and give me a kiss. He leaned over, stuck his tongue in my mouth, scraping it against my teeth and then licked my face like a beagle in heat.

(Huh. Maybe we do need to have sex more often.)

I laughed until I cried. He can still do that.

There are times I question if he loves me as much as he did back then. But even if he doesn't, he at least tolerates me. And I am not easy to tolerate. My mom tried to warn him from day 1.

(Afterall, he is letting me get away with not bringing home a paycheck these days.)

I may not get the cards or CD's anymore. I reciprocate by not giving up sex as much. Muhahahah!

But we still love each other, even if we show it differently.

Happy Anniversary, Baby.